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With 15+ years of experience helping leaders and executives improve individual and team potential, Dia helps professional thrive and succeed.

If you can’t influence people, then they will not follow you. And if people won`t follow you, you are not a Leader. That`s the Law of InfluenceJohn Maxwell

Dia brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across sectors to help you and your organization with challenges of mindset, strategy and execution.

Corporate Leaders and entrepreneurs find themselves balancing a tightrope. They face the ongoing challenges of the 24/7 workplace including the disruptive pace of change, management of virtual teams, constant shifts in technology, globalization, and varied expectations from team members, peer groups, clients and management. They deal with turf wars, politics and need to make courageous decisions. All this leaves them with little or no time to focus on personal or professional development. That’s where Dia’s Leadership & Executive coaching programs fill the gap.

Dia's Leadership Coaching Approach

Measurable Impact

Clients complete the EQi-2.0 assessment both at the beginning and end of their leadership coaching experience. The assessment measures a client’s emotional intelligence in 15 core areas of leadership. All of these 15 areas impact trust, credibility, and performance.


Nobody achieved growth by dwelling in comfort. Dia pushes the client into unchartered territory. Her approach includes asking uncomfortable questions that will push the client to think differently and gain new insights


Dia is a firm believer that there is no one blueprint for leadership success. Hence. there is no one-size-fits all approach adopted. The coaching journey is modeled keeping the client and their unique needs in mind


It is impossible to delineate life into watertight compartments. Dia will explore patterns of behavior that impact every area of your life

Explore 1:1 Leadership & Executive Coaching Options

Why do Established Leaders & Seasoned Entrepreneurs need Coaching?

When things are going well, blind spots don’t seem to matter. It is very easy for successful executives and entrepreneurs to become almost strictly inward looking, often surrounded by people in the organisation who support their agenda. But these blind spots can become devastating when there are challenging conditionals in the ecosystem.Steering away from internal agenda, neutral third-party assessment provides a clear reality check for executives.

This makes the coaching environment a rare and safe place to think through various topics against the framework of what is in the leader`s best interest.

Outcomes from Established Leadership Coaching include:

  • Disruption of behaviours holding back the leader`s energy and presence
  • Successful navigation of career transitions
  • Enhanced change management abilities
  • Increased emotional intelligence
  • Improved communication and collaboration
  • Enhanced executive and board presence
  • Build a plan to increase team engagement & effectiveness
  • Shift from management/tactical to strategic/leadership focus
  • Experience increased confidence in critical decision-making 
  • Decreased stress and self-doubt

Coaching Package includes

  • 6 month commitment from client, and organization
  • 30 minutes intake session
  • 12 sessions of 75 minutes each (Video call or physical meeting)
  • Minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 sessions per month
  • Pre and post emotional intelligence assessment
  • 360 degree assessment
  • Manager check-ins included
  • Unlimited email support

Why do Emerging Leaders & New Entrepreneurs need Coaching?

Emerging leaders need to develop and identify their own leadership framework. Leadership is a difficult role, and coaching will help them identify and clarify their leadership—which, in turn, leads to clarity regarding those they’ll be leading.

Outcomes from Emerging Leaders Coaching include:

  • Recognizing and articulating your strengths
  • Creating a self-managed career path
  • Asking for projects and promotions that you want and deserve
  • Transitioning from an individual contributor to a managerial role
  • Develop exceptional soft skills such as communication conflict management negotiation persuasion and delegation – all essential for powerful leadership
  • Setting yourself up for growth
  • Engage in difficult conversations more effectively
  • Strategic networking internally and externally

Emerging Leaders Coaching Package includes

  • 6 months commitment from client
  • 30 minutes intake session
  • 12 sessions of 75 minutes each (Video call or physical meeting)
  • Minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 sessions per month
  • Emotional intelligence Assessment or MBTI Assessment
  • Unlimited email support

Why Emotional Intelligence Coaching?

Daniel Goleman`s outstanding research with over 200 companies established the fact that certain qualities which we often term as fuzzy soft skills actually have a determining effect on stellar work performance and exemplary leadership. Goleman`s research shows that EQ is twice as important as IQ and Domain skills for middle level managers and as you move on to more senior roles, EQ forms 90% of the success at senior levels.

Outcomes from Emotional Intelligence Coaching include:

  • Understand the 15 traits of EI and how they impact you
  • Analyze how your assessment results impact your leadership brand
  • Discuss derailing behaviors that are holding you back
  • Cultivate stronger relationships built on mutual trust
  • Communicate with stronger impact and credibility
  • Build a customized action plan to get you where you want to go

Emotional Intelligence Coaching Packages:

Gold PackagePlatinum PackageTitanium Package
✓ Completion of EQ assessment
✓ 90 minute debrief of results
✓ Completion of EQ assessment
✓ 90 minute debrief of results
✓ Two 60 minute coaching calls
✓ Sessions to be completed in 2 months
✓ Completion of EQ assessment
✓ 90 minute debrief of results
✓ Three 60 minute coaching calls
✓ Sessions to be completed in 2 months

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